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Oh So Easy and Delicious Grab and Go Sugardale Bacon and Egg Breakfast Cups

This post is sponsored by Ohio Pork. All opinions are my own.

These Easy and Delicious Grab and Go Bacon and Egg Breakfast Cups are perfect for a family on the run. You can even make them ahead for busy days on the road.”

Grab and Go Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cup that are a quick and easy recipe for those days when you need something you can run out the door with. #ad #ohpork


Can I share a secret? I’m kind of fascinated with how things work and how things are made. It doesn’t matter if it’s touring a car plant to watch Corvettes roll off the assembly line or visiting a foundry to see historical markers being made, I kind of geek out on behind the scenes tours.

So, when a friend invited me to join her on a tour of the Fresh Mark plant in Massillon to learn how bacon is made, I couldn’t resist. And I learned SO much! Who knew there was so much to learn about bacon and ham? I certainly didn’t.

The first thing that blew me away is that bacon is made from pork belly. I had NO idea!

Now let me share that I am a country girl and my family even raised a couple pigs, so we could eat them and yet the parts of a pig that provide ham, bacon, and sausage has always been a mystery. Until now. But I’ll come back to that.

Upon arriving at Fresh Mark, I was introduced to the Fresh Mark team and learned the history of the company which will turn an impressive 100 years old in 2020!

Fresh Mark Factory Tour

Next, we suited up in lab coats, boots, hair nets, and hard hats so we could head into the factory. Let’s just say it wasn’t a good look on me, but Fresh Mark is serious about keeping their facility clean- it’s actually sanitized every single day.

Our tour of the factory walked us through the fascinating bacon making process. As I mentioned previously, bacon is made from pork belly, which you probably already know but did you know that the pork belly is infused with a blend of sugar and spices to create that signature Sugardale Bacon flavor?

pork bellies ready for smokehouse


The meat is then hung on metal hooks and transported to the smokehouse where it is smoked with natural hickory hardwood. When the pork bellies are finished in the smokehouse they go through a resting period where they are chilled which also makes it easier to trim and slice the bacon.

pork bellies resting


After resting, the bacon is sliced, packaged and sent out to your local grocery store.

shipping conveyer


It sounds like a simple process, but it’s taken years to perfect. Fresh Mark now makes enough bacon that they can feed 652 million people breakfast each year. That’s a lot of bacon and today, I’m going to give you a reason to eat even more Sugardale bacon (or ham if that’s what you prefer).

Grab and Go Sugardale Bacon and Egg Breakfast Cups

Grab and Go Sugardale Bacon and Egg Breakfast Cups are easy and delicious


I pkg. Sugardale Bacon of your choice and/or
I pkg. Sugardale Diced Ham
12 Large eggs
½ cup Milk
1 bunch Green Onions
4-5 White Mushrooms
1/2 large Yellow or Red Pepper
1/2 cup Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese (thinly sliced cheese will do in a pinch)
Cooking Spray
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1 TBSP. Butter

Large Muffin Tin


Preheat Oven to 375 degrees.

Sugardale bacon

Cook the bacon while chopping green onions, white mushrooms, and pepper. Sauté the mushrooms and pepper in butter to soften. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

saute veggies

Whisk eggs in a bowl with milk and salt and pepper. Add cheese, green onions, and remaining veggies. Lightly spray the muffin tin and add bacon and/or ham and top with egg mixture.

Put ingredients together

Fill the muffin tin to almost full.

fill almost to the top

Bake for 20-25 minutes at 375 or until a knife inserted in mixture comes out clean.  Makes about 6 large muffin size breakfast cups.

Fully cooked and ready to eat breakfast cups

I prefer to stuff my breakfast cups with meat and veggies, but you can adjust ingredients to your taste and preferences.

Delicious Sugardale Bacon Breakfast Cups

These are hands down my family’s favorite breakfast food. Plus, they’ve been a hit with my Bible Study group too. Another perk is that you can make them ahead, store them in the frig and heat them in the microwave when you’re running short on time.

Fun Facts about Sugardale Bacon & Ham:

Sugardale bacon is available in the following varieties:

  • Thick Sliced
  • Extra Thick Sliced
  • Natural Uncured
  • Center Cut
  • Applewood Smoked
  • Peppered
  • Lower Sodium
  • Applewood Smoked Pre-Cooked Ready Bacon (perfect for van camping!)

These Easy and Delicious Grab and Go Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups are perfect for a family on the run. You can even make them ahead for busy days on the road.


Sugardale Ham has been crafted the same way for nearly 100 years! The hams are fully cooked, so you can heat them and serve. For this recipe, I used the Sugardale Diced Ham that is sold diced and ready to add to soups, salad, omelets, breakfast casseroles, and more. It doesn’t get any more convenient than that folks!

I purchased the ingredients for my Grab and Go Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups at Walmart but you can visit this website to find where you can purchase Sugardale products in your area.

Sugardale Foods is a family-owned company. You can connect with them online at

Do you have a favorite bacon or ham recipe that you can make in a pinch? Please share it below. I’m always on the lookout for simple, delicious recipes.



Tuesday 8th of January 2019

I am ABSOLUTELY fascinated by how things work and how things are family sometimes laughs at the number of behind the scenes questions I'll ask! And I love that this are quick and then can be grab and go...saves me time in the morning! Protection Status
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