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Picking out the Perfect Christmas Tree

Another post brought to you by Chelsea.

Picking out the Perfect Christmas Tree- Sugargrove Tree Farm in Ashland, Ohio

My family’s never had a “real” Christmas tree. Though I’m sure it would’ve been so much fun choosing one when I was younger. Mom thought it’d catch on fire, and we’d die, or something. So we never actually got one. Until this year! After expressing my interest in getting a real tree, my parents decided they would no longer keep this amazing experience from me.

Choosing our Christmas Tree

We went to a cute little tree farm thingy, where they take you out to pick your trees, on the back of a trailer, kind of like a hay ride, but definitely not as fun. My excitement was evident, as you can tell by my face.

excitement at picking a tree

After passing by so many perfect trees, my mom dubbed them unacceptable since they had a “couple” dead leaves or something. Not sure.

Anyway, we found our perfect tree soon enough. Since this was my first experience cutting down a Christmas tree, I wanted to do it myself. I started sawing away, my dad soon had to help, while my mom “documented” the trip. The tree came down relatively fast, I was expecting it to take a while. We took our tree home, watered it. And complained about the smell.

Chelsea defeats the Christmas Tree

Overall, getting the Christmas tree was such a great experience, but I could do without the weird smell which my mom loves.

Where we bought our Christmas tree:

Sugargrove Tree Farm
1619 Township Road 1455
Ashland, OH 44805

Visit the website for hours, prices, etc. 

Review these helpful hints before you head to the tree farm to pick out your tree.

Sugargrove Tree Farm is a historic, six-generation family-owned and operated property in Ashland County. Today it boasts one of the counties’ oldest structures and has been in the family for six generations.

Sugargrove has four types of trees to choose from, White Pine, Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, and Canaan Fir. Varieties of each are on display so you can see what you like before you head off to the fields. Prices range from $32-99 depending on the size of your tree. We purchased a 7 1/2 foot tree for about $60. Both pre-cut trees and live trees are also available.

After you decide which tree you’d like to purchase, you get in line for a tractor-drawn wagon ride or horse-drawn wagon ride (see the website for more information). Tell the driver what type of tree you’d like and he’ll drop you off in that section of the field. Be sure to grab a saw before the tractor drives away.

Pick out your tree, keeping in mind that the trees look smaller in the field than they will in your house. If you’re tight on space, you may want to grab a tape measure before heading off.

It will probably take two people to cut down the tree- one to use the saw and the other to hold up the needles. After you cut down your tree, carry it back to the spot where you were dropped off and wait for the wagon to take you back to the barn.

Employees will grab the tree off the wagon and place it on a machine that will shake off loose pine needles and insects from the tree. Next, they will take the tree inside the barn where the tree will be measured and baled for easy transport. When your tree is ready, they will give you a card with the price and you can step inside the office to pay for your purchase and grab a hot chocolate and cookie. Note that debit and credit cards are not accepted so make sure you have cash. If you are running low, there is an ATM on the property.

I was surprised by how fast and easy the total process was. We were at the tree farm for less than an hour.

So, to recap. Review the helpful hints before you go. Dress warmly. Bundle up for cold temperatures, after all, this is Ohio. Take cash. It’s that easy.

Do you prefer real or artificial trees?

Karen Coutu

Wednesday 11th of December 2013

We haven't had a real tree for a long time. Someday, when our children are older and we don't have pets, we will likely do it again. I just love the fragrance of a fresh tree. :)


Thursday 12th of December 2013

Pine is always one of my favorite fragrances but the first couple days in our house was a bit overwhelming- but I am sensitive to smells. It was fun picking it out and my boys' were disappointed that they didnt' accompany us to select it. I think it's going to the tree farm and choosing a tree will become a new family tradition.


Wednesday 11th of December 2013

We have never had a real Christmas tree! I promised myself that one day we will for sure!


Wednesday 11th of December 2013

How exciting. I hope you are still enjoying it. I've never had a "real" Christmas tree either - not as a child growing up or in my adult home. I wonder if my daughter would want one?


Wednesday 11th of December 2013

Fun! We've never had a real Christmas tree. We always seem to be traveling during Christmas and decide not to bother.


Thursday 12th of December 2013

One year we actually bought a tiny Christmas tree to travel with. It was kind of a pain, but the kids liked it. :) Protection Status
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