This post was sponsored by Monoprice as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
Camping gear can cost a pretty penny, but it doesn’t have to. Learn how you can save money on outdoor gear with Monoprice.
When it comes to planning a summer full of fun, adventurers and outdoor lovers can save a ton of money and gain a healthy dose of nature therapy by pitching a tent and camping in public parks or, if traveling away from home isn’t a possibility, camping in your own backyard can be an adventure of its own.
One does need basic camping gear, but the great thing about camping is that you can invest piece by piece and once you’ve made that investment, many items will last for years. Of course, it pays to make smart decisions when it comes to spending your hard earned cash which is where Monoprice comes in.
Monoprice is an online store that offers customers the ease of shopping online and the benefit of affordable pricing on anything from electronics and tech gear, to home appliances and products for outdoor enthusiasts. With over 6,500 high-quality items to choose from, chances are you’ll find a few things to add to your wish list. For a full list of products, visit the Monoprice website at
I recently had the opportunity to review two products from Monoprice, the Pure Outdoor Tall Camp Chair & Emperor Cooler 25. I couldn’t have been more ecstatic! A rotomolded cooler has been on my camping wishlist since my husband and I van camped across North Dakota last summer. Imagine my excitement when two boxes showed up at my door. I tore into the packages and was immediately impressed by the construction of the cooler.
About the Pure Outdoor Tall Camp Chair & Emperor Cooler 25
The Pure Outdoor Emperor Cooler 25 is built with the outdoorsman in mind. The solid construction is created to withstand years of wear and tear. Unlike traditional coolers, the rotomold cooler is built with extra-thick walls. The main body and lid are pressure-injected with commercial-grade polyurethane foam in a stress-free, low-pressure mold and coupled with an extra thick rubber seal to ensure that the items inside stay cold for days even in the scorching heat.
I tested the construction of my cooler right away by standing on it to rehang my curtains after I’d washed them. No, that’s not what the cooler was intended for but the non-slip feet and sturdy construction held this chubby girl with no give which means not only will this keep your food and beverages cool when spending time outdoors, it will also double as additional seating if company shows up unprepared. A few of the features I noticed about this cooler are as follows:
- The durable anchor-shaped rubber latches and steel reinforced padlock holes at both front corners ensure that your food is safe from raccoons and other pesky critters who may lurk around your campsite.
- A measuring guide on the lid allows the fisherman to measure their big catch.
- The rope handles on each side make it easy for two people to carry the cooler when loaded.
- Tie down slots keep the cooler in place when tailgating or boating.
- The cooler has a built-in bottle opener.
- The drain system allows easy draining of the cooler.
- The 25L cooler is large enough to stash a decent amount of food and beverages for my husband and me, but small enough to easily fit inside our van without giving up valuable space when van camping. Two larger coolers, 50L and 80L are also available.
- The Pure Outdoor Emperor Cooler 25 is about ⅓ the cost of its competitors, comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and has a lifetime warranty.
Click here to learn more about the Pure Outdoor Emperor Cooler 25 or to purchase your own. Did I mention this item comes with free shipping?
The second item I received was the Pure Outdoor Tall Camp Chair. The first thing I noticed about this chair was how lightweight it was. Weighing only 2.6 lbs, this collapsible product is an ideal camp chair for those that are hiking into their campsite or for people who like to fish and may have a bit of a hike with all their gear. The Pure Outdoor Tall Camp Chair is very compact and takes up little space, yet sets up in minutes. The collapsible aluminum frame can support up to 265 lbs. Made of polyester fabric and mesh seat material, it won’t soak up water and dries quickly. This is also ideal for van camping, as it takes up very little space and comes in its own zippered storage bag which isn’t too much larger than a toiletry bag. The Pure Outdoor Tall Camp Chair comes with a one-year warranty and just like the cooler, a 30-day money back guarantee.
My husband and I attempted to camp at a nearby state park, but between the heat and rain, we’ve had little opportunity. When we saw a break in the weather, we packed up and headed up the hill to our favorite camping spot. Of course, our adventure cat had to follow along and didn’t waste any time making herself comfortable on the Pure Outdoor collapsible chair.
We also managed to put the items to use during our 4th of July celebration, at the drive-in and on an evening fishing trip.
We didn’t clean up when the guests left after our 4th of July bonfire, preferring to wait until the next day.
I was excited to find the pop inside the soda was still ice cold even though the outside of the cooler was hot to the touch from sitting in direct sunlight in the near 90 degree temperatures. I can’t wait to put this item to the test on our next van camping trip. Not only am I sold on the Pure Outdoor items I received from Monoprice, my grown kids are as well. They each want their own Pure Outdoor Emperor Cooler.
I hope I’ve piqued your interest in Monoprice products. You can peruse the Monoprice website to view the products available, but if you’re looking to add to your camping gear, head straight to the Outdoor section followed by Outdoor Gear. You’ll find more collapsible chairs, flashlights, a backpackers stove, trekking poles, water bottles and more. I have my heart set on a Pure Outdoor PowerCache 220 Power Generator to allow me to stay charged and connected when van camping.
Do you enjoy spending time in the outdoors? What Monoprice items do you think would enhance your camping or outdoor experience?
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