A First Time Visit to Cedar Point
With 72 rides, Cedar Point ranks in the list of top largest amusement parks in the world, drawing crowds from all over. We have tips to help you make the most of your day.
With 72 rides, Cedar Point ranks in the list of top largest amusement parks in the world, drawing crowds from all over. We have tips to help you make the most of your day.
Chances are, if you’re aware of Cedar Point, you’ve heard of Sandusky, Ohio. While hundreds of thousands of people annually flock to the amusement park …
Until a few weeks ago, it had been years since I visited the Milan Museum near Sandusky, Ohio. My kids were fairly young and I’d …
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been familiar with Lake Erie. As a young girl, I remember visiting the Marblehead Lighthouse with my parents, fishing …
Philadelphia. Coney Island. County Fair. Jumpers. Standers. Brass Ring. Dentzell. Herschell. All terms I learned during my recent visit to the Merry-Go-Round Museum in Sandusky, Ohio. …
This past weekend I attended the Bloggy Conference held at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio for workshops, networking and fun. While I was …