You don’t need to get out of your car to spot the Giant Dancing Hares in Dublin, Ohio. This fun roadside attraction is part of the Art in Public Places trail in Dublin with over 70 sculptures.
Located at the entrance to the luxurious, Irish inspired Ballantrae community, the bunnies are visible on a hill, or hillock as they like to say in Dublin, overlooking a splash pad and pond situated on 20 acres of land.
The 15-foot-tall bronze bunnies by artist Sophie Ryder, were commissioned by Ballantrae developer Peter Edwards after he saw Ryder’s work while traveling overseas.
The artist, who resides in the Gloucestershire countryside of England is fascinated by the spring courtship of the hares who stand erect and “box” each other for mates and territory.
According to this article, the whimsical Dancing Hares were shipped from the Netherlands and hoisted to their current position one by one. In 2007, Edwards Cos. donated the sculpture worth $262,000 to the city of Dublin to receive a tax break.
You may be tempted to view these bunnies from the bottom of the hill, but you’d miss out on an important element of this art installation. The best way to appreciate this statue is to park your car and walk up the paved circular path that leads to the top of the hill.
Upon close inspection, you’ll see everyday household objects and not so ordinary recycled objects from coins to a camera to tools embedded in the metal sculpture. This is a great opportunity on a family road trip to get out, stretch your legs and play a game of “I Spy”.
You’ll find the park with the giant Dancing Hares at 6350 Woerner Temple Road, Dublin, OH. If you have a few extra minutes, drive down the road to the Field of Corn, another giant art installation you won’t want to miss.
Looking for other things to do in Ohio? Check out this post for tons of ideas.
Janet Schroeder
Wednesday 18th of July 2018
*WATERFALLS: 4326 Hayden Run Rd. Dublin, OH 43017
Hayden Falls Park is located on the West side of the Scioto River, just along Hayden Run Road, West of Griggs Reservoir bridge. A boardwalk, steps and an overlook were constructed in 2006 to aid in accessibility of the community viewers, but as to protect the natural ecosystem as well. There are a few picnic tables are on upper level and a small parking lot is also available. This park includes a unique gorge habitat that only occurs along the western shore of the Scioto River. This ecosystem is home to a beautiful 35-foot waterfall and also rare and endangered plant Well worth the stop. It’s not clearly marked & it reads “Griggs Nature Preserve”. Easy to miss. There’s a parking area. Park there & take the stairs on the left. Great raised wooden path. Not a long walk at all. Just some stairs in the beginning leading down. Opens up to a very pretty waterfall & pooling area. No swimming allowed. Water was reflecting off of the high rocks around it. Indian Run Falls Address: 700 Shawan Falls Dr Indian Run Falls is a unique site in Dublin because of its pristine waterfalls and stream that were once home to Wyandot tribe members. The City has provided access to the Indian Run gorge and waterfalls area by adding nature trails, observation platforms, a bridge traversing the waterfalls and shelter houses west of the falls
*Columbus North Market 59 Spruce St Open 10-5
Tonya Prater
Thursday 29th of November 2018
Thanks for sharing, Janet! I have visited Hayden Falls and was fortunate to see it after a heavy rainfall. The Columbus North Market is always a tasty spot!