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DIY Beach Inspired Frosted Wine Glasses

Summer may be over but that doesn’t mean that you can’t relive the carefree feeling of life at the beach with these easy to make beach inspired frosted wine glasses.

This simple and inexpensive craft will make a great addition to a beach theme evening with friends.

How to make beach theme frosted wine glasses.

How to make Frosted Wine Glasses

Supplies needed:

Gather your supplies for frosted wine glasses

Assorted frosted beach glass paint- We used Scottish Highlands and Beach Glass from the Martha Stewart Sea Glass line.
Clear stemless wine glasses
Painter’s tape
Paint brushes- a stencil brush works well for this


1. Wash and dry your glasses well so you know the paint will adhere well.

2. Tear off a length of tape and wrap it around the base of the glass. You can place it as low or as high as you wish. Use painter’s tape so it peels away easily and leaves clean lines.

Frosted wine glasses are easy to make

3. Place your paint on a plate. Using a fat paintbrush, apply a coat of paint from the tape line on down.

Frosted Glasses DIY

4. Allow the paint to dry, and repeat. You may wish to repeat 3-4 times until the paint is thickly coating the glass and your streaks are eliminated. To eliminate the look of streaks, you may also want to work the brush in one direction only.

5. Once the paint is dry, remove the painter’s tape. Reveal the clean line. You can use a razor blade if you wish to clean the paint line up. A blade will allow you to chip away any unwanted paint marks.

6. Your glasses can now be used. To keep the paint intact, avoid using a dishwasher and wash the glasses by hand.

Easy DIY Frosted Wine Glasses

Shopping list:

(These are affiliate links)
I purchased the paint and paintbrush at Michael’s Craft Stores. If you don’t have one near you, they can be purchased below:
Martha Stewart Sea Glass Paint
Martha Stewart Stencil Paint Brush
As far as wine tumblers go, check your local thrift store or dollar store for basic, round glasses, or you can purchase a set of six inexpensively at Amazon.
Stemless Wine Glasses
Painters Tape

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These DIY Beach Inspired Frosted Wine Glasses are super easy and inexpensive to make.

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Bill Sweeney

Thursday 7th of December 2017

This looks so simple to do! My wife likes wine, so I may be painting away, making a couple for her for Christmas! Love this DIY! You did an awesome job!

Alli Smith

Monday 6th of November 2017

These are so pretty and they do remind me of the beach - my favorite place to be. I need to grab my paints and wine glasses and have a DIY craft party!

Annemarie LeBlanc

Friday 27th of October 2017

The glasses truend out lovely! I would love to have something that would always remind me of the beach. I will try this craft at home. I could also use other paint colors to match other occasions.


Friday 27th of October 2017

Those are perfect for bringing the feel of the beach home. I know I'd feel like I'm on a beach vacation any time I used one.

Toni | Boulder Locavore

Thursday 26th of October 2017

This is a great idea! I love how it turned out! :D Protection Status
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