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This Giant Rotating Jenny Globe is Visible from the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Somerset

Looking for unique roadside attractions along the Pennsylvania Turnpike? Check out the Jenny Globe in Somerset County, Pennsylvania!

Find this Giant Rotating Globe roadside attraction in Pennsylvania.

I’ve driven past the Jenny Globe for years en route to different destinations. Most recently was on our road trip to the Outer Banks. Normally we drive past but on this occasion, we were in need of a poddy break and gas for the van so we pulled off the PA Turnpike to take a better look at the mysterious globe and giant elephant at Eat n Park

A globe will always catch my attention- like the Jenny Globe map in Somerset Pennsylvania.

What is the Jenny Globe?

The Jenny Globe can be seen from the PA Turnpike.

From a distance, the Jenny Globe looks much like a water tower. But unlike municipal water towers found all over the US, the Jenny Globe is actually a spinning fiberglass globe on a tall pole. It was most recently painted in 2005, and features a map of the earth, with all the continents and oceans. The large towering globe serves as an eye-catching advertisement for Jenny Products.

The towering Jenny Globe can be seen from the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Who is Jenny?

A look at the rotating globe along the PA turnpike.

Jenny is Jenny Products, a steam cleaner and pressure washer manufacturer that erected the globe in the late 1960’s. In fact, the company invented the steam cleaner in 1927. The machine was originally called the “Hypressure Vapor Spray Generator,” which was eventually shortened to “High Pressure Jenny” and the Jenny Products company was born.  The Jenny Globe is right next door to the company headquarters.

Where is the Jenny Globe?

The Jenny Globe is painted with all the continents.

The Jenny Globe is visible from the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

The Jenny Globe is visible through a couple trees in the parking area.

Directions to the Jenny Globe

Take Exit 110 and go through two stoplights. Or, enter 822 N Pleasant Ave Somerset, Pennsylvania into your GPS and follow the way. You can’t miss it! Parking is free at the Jenny Products building, so you can get out and watch the globe spin.

Have you spotted the Jenny Globe roadside attraction while road tripping through Pennsylvania? Did you stop or drive by? Protection Status
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