Stopping by from Welcome to The Traveling Praters.
My name is Tonya and this is my blog. I’m a homeschool mom preparing to wrap up over 14 years of homeschooling. Last year my oldest son graduated. Last month, his brother graduated and next year, my daughter, the baby of the family will finish her schooling. That’s right, my homeschool days are drawing to a close.
Homeschooling has allowed my family many adventures that would never have been possible if the kids’ had been in public or private school. Thanks to our homeschool lifestyle, we were able to travel extensively with my husband as he traveled with his job. We even spent over a year as a full-time RV family.
To welcome you, I put together a simple e-book that shares some of the attractions in the Smokies that homeschooling families may enjoy. I hope you find this free guide*, The Homeschoolers Guide to Exploring the Smokies, helpful when you begin to plan your next trip to the Smokies.
To receive your book, simply click on the photo of the cover of the e-book.
I hope you’ll stick around and read about some of our adventures and that you find the information I share helpful.
If you’re planning to travel as a family this year, you may enjoy 10 Tips to Keeping the Peace when Traveling with Teens or 7 Ways to Occupy the Kids on Road Trips without Electronics helpful.
Feel free to leave me a comment, drop me an email, send me a tweet or join me on Facebook.
Happy Travels,
* Please remember that this publication took a great deal of time to produce and is copyrighted. I ask that you not use any of the photos or contents online or offline and if you’d like to share the publication, please share the link to this page.